element by default should be somewhat responsive as it will scale horizontally to the size of its parent. So in your case, you already 


elementGetter('.ptp-closed-caption-panel'), 'ptp-hr-separator') }, closedCaptionOptions: { behavior: ptp.closedCaptionLanguageMenu, element: ptp.factories.

hr; html; i; iframe; img; input; ins; kbd; label; legend; li; link; main; map; mark; meta; meter; nav; noframes; noscript; object; ol; optgroup; option; output; p; param; picture; pre; progress; q; rp; rt; rtc; ruby; s; samp; script; section; select; slot; small; source; span; strong; style; sub; summary; sup; table; tbody; td; template; textarea; tfoot; th; thead; time; title; tr; track; u; ul; var; video; wbr hr.new1 { border-top: 1px solid red;} /* Dashed red border */ hr.new2 { border-top: 1px dashed red;} /* Dotted red border */ hr.new3 { border-top: 1px dotted red;} /* Thick red border */ hr.new4 { border: 1px solid red;} /* Large rounded green border */ hr.new5 { border: 10px solid green; border-radius: 5px;} The HTML

tag is a block-level element transferring all the elements after it to another line. The external look of the horizontal line defined by the tag depends on the type of the browser. More often it is displayed with a border, which creates 3D effect. The HTML
element represents a Horizontal-rule and it is used for page break via line.

Hr element html

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element represents a Horizontal-rule and it is used for page break via line. It creates horizontal line, which makes someone to understand that there is an end of the page or a sentence break. We can also design the hr (horizontal-rule) tag to create attractive user-interface. The hr element represents a paragraph-level thematic break, e.g.

2017-10-14 · Thanks for watching! This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue

In this list, we have collected some of the best HTML hr CSS designs which you can use on  Simple Styles for

's. Code.

Hr element html

This HTML/CSS snippet creates an HR element with text in the middle of the line. The text is supplied in the data-* attribute of the HR element.

Hr element html

I use the hr element in my HTML documents as a way to separate content. To change the color of your horizontal rule, in your

tag, type the html attribute color="".

where src = source file, alt = alternative text, width, and height act as attributes. ”logo”. The HR element is empty (you don't need a ). Netscape extensions are discussed at the bottom of the page. 4.8.1 Example of HR . The following shows an example of the use of

and the resulting rendering (on your browser).

The following document is scanned from the back of a cereal box.
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Läs mer. Prisgaranti Prisgaranti.

In the following example we've changed the color of hr tag to light grey.
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HTML-da yozi hda yorliq har qanday ijodiy i hni e latib o'ti h uchun i hlatiladigan inline element. Kitoblardan ra mlarga qadar foydali bo'lgan teg, i hning URL 

This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue CSS-Tricks Example. Simple Styles for


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Detaljer. Adapter till Casio bordsräknare HR-TEC och HR-200TEC. Produkten återfinns i vår katalog på sidan: 94. Varumärke: Casio. Märkning. 6. Dela. Skriv ut 

Code. Code.